Many individuals avoid seeking dental care out of fear or anxiety associated with receiving treatment. Some evade dental services based on previous experiences, while others have an aversion to the sights, smells and sounds of a dental office. However, lack of necessary and routine dental visits only leads to greater oral complications and an inability to treat oral problems early on.

In an effort to create a comfortable, more relaxed dental experience for patients, a number of general dentists and dental specialists offer sedation dentistry services. Such services alleviate the fear and anxiety experienced by dental patients, facilitate the treatment process and allow one positive experience to build on the next.

Dental Sedation Services Relieve Fear and Anxiety

Dentists provide varying dental sedation services depending on the level of fear and anxiety experienced by a patient along with the type of procedure being performed, circumstances affecting the ability to receive treatment and any behavioral considerations. For instance, someone with mild anxiety may benefit from receiving nitrous oxide, while an individual who requires multiple procedures and is unable to keep the mouth open for long periods of time might be administered IV conscious sedation or general anesthesia. Consider the following types of sedation dentistry services:

  • Oral Sedation: By taking sedative medication prescribed by the dentist prior to the appointment, the patient feels relaxed and unconcerned about the dental procedure throughout treatment.
  • IV Conscious Sedation: IV (intravenous) dental sedation allows patients to receive sedating medication throughout the procedure. Though patients are “conscious” during treatment, they typically do not recall details of the visit.
  • Nitrous Oxide: Inhaled through a nasal mask throughout treatment, nitrous oxide gas is odorless, colorless and fast-acting. Patients typically experience a sense euphoria and relaxation, with no lingering side effects.
  • Local Anesthetic: Prior to beginning certain procedures, dentists administer local anesthetic solutions to numb areas receiving treatment. Patients experience no discomfort throughout the procedure, and the numbness wears off a few hours after administration.
  • General Anesthetic: A method inducing full, unconscious sedation, general anesthesia services are often provided by licensed anesthesiologists. However, some dental professionals receive the education, training and licensure to offer this service to patients in the dental facility. To ensure complete comfort for the patient, local anesthesia is typically used in combination with some of the dental sedation methods listed here. Medical history is also reviewed and taken into consideration prior to administering sedation dentistry services.

Are You a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

If generalized fear, embarrassment, extreme mouth sensitivity or other factors are keeping you from improving your oral health, you may be a candidate for dental sedation services. To learn more about the options and discuss your dental concerns, contact your dentist for a sedation consultation today.

Don’t Be Stressed by Dental Anxiety

March 12, 2019

If you have anxiety when you visit the dentist or periodontist, you are not alone! In fact, dental anxiety is such a common thing that most dental offices, including South Florida Periodontics & Dental Implants, offer some form of sedation dentistry to help alleviate stress. We know that too many patients go without check-ups or […]

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Symptoms of Gum Recession

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Gum recession is a serious disorder and should be treated as such. Thankfully, there are treatment options, such as the Pinhole Surgical Technique ™, that are commonly used to address this issue. If you or a loved one is facing this condition, it is important that you make informed decisions. Take some time to learn […]

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The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

August 25, 2016

People of all ages fear a visit to the dentist’s office. Whether the fear is unfounded or comes from a traumatic event, we want to make it easy for everyone to have access to the dental treatments they need to keep their teeth healthy and strong for life. Patients range from a little bit of […]

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When to Consider Sedation Dentistry

May 4, 2016

Sedation dentistry has been a technique used for some time, but with recent advances in technology and administration methods, it is now one that more people can benefit from. Whether you are afraid of the dentist or have another situation that keeps you from seeing the dentist as you should, consider sedation to get the […]

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Why Choose Sedation Dentistry

May 3, 2016

If you have any kind of dental anxiety, which is very common among people of all ages, then sedation dentistry is a phenomenon you need to know about. If you are one of those people who would rather do almost anything than go to the dentist and you wait until the very last minute to […]

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How Sedation Dentistry Can Calm Your Anxiety

May 3, 2016

Many people experience dental anxiety. Estimates suggest that as many as 15% of American adults avoid going to the dentist because of fear and anxiety. This can be characterized by uneasiness, exaggerated worries, and even panic. Learn more about anxiety and how sedation dentistry in Auburndale, FL can help. Causes of Anxiety There are numerous […]

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Sedation Dentistry: Calm Your Dental Fears and Anxiety

November 30, 2015

Having a fear of dental work or being pressed for time does not give anyone an automatic pass when it comes to seeing their dentist. All too often patients say that they are not experiencing pain or discomfort when they really are, because they are not entirely comfortable with the idea of being in the […]

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Stop Avoiding the Dentist: Calm Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

November 30, 2015

Whether you have suffered a traumatic experience in a dental office in the past or simply cringe at the thought of any type of pain that may be inflicted, going to the dentist can be a daunting task. Unfortunately, avoiding oral health-related procedures can result in even more issues down the road. The good news […]

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Sedation Dentistry & Dental Anxiety

November 30, 2015

Does the thought of a dental cleaning set your teeth on edge? Have you been ignoring persistent tooth pain because the idea of dental surgery causes you undue anxiety or distress? You are not alone. Between 15% and 20% of the population report delaying important oral health care because of dental anxiety. However, most dental […]

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Calm Your Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

November 30, 2015

While most people enjoy having a bright, healthy smile, few people actually enjoy having their teeth cleaned. In fact, up to 20% of adults experience dental anxiety that interferes with their oral care. Some skip routine cleanings, while others live with mouth pain because it seems more bearable than having a root canal. However, your […]

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