April 30, 2018

Approximately 50 percent of Americans experience some level of dental anxiety. A majority of those people forego dental care because of it, and as a result, their smiles and oral health suffer. Poor oral health has a direct impact on the rest of the body and can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and other illnesses. Fortunately, thanks to advanced sedation methods, more people are able to overcome their fear of the dentist and get the treatment they need to live long, healthy and happy lives. If your fear of the dentist has kept you from receiving treatment, talk to Nashville Periodontal Group about sedation dentistry today.

Your Path to a Pain and Fear Free Dental Experience

Dr. Akin and his team offer a number of sedation techniques, including oral, intravenous (IV) and local anesthetic. Though each technique is used to help patients achieve a calm and relaxing experience, each one offers a different level of sedation. Those levels are:

  • Minimal
  • Moderate
  • Deep

Minimal Sedation

Minimal sedation is still successful in relieving dental anxiety, but it does not put you under. When minimally sedated, you can still respond verbally and physically to the dentist’s questions and commands, but you will remain calm throughout the duration of the procedure.

Moderate Sedation

Moderate sedation is better for patients with higher levels of anxiety or for those who undergo more intensive procedures. When moderately sedated, you may only be aware of larger stimulus in the exam room. You may not be able to respond to the dentist’s commands.

Deep Sedation

Deep sedation is reserved for patients with paralyzing fear of the dentist. If you are deeply sedated, you will be brought to the very edge of consciousness. While there, you can still be awakened, but only once the anesthesia has worn off. You may not show signs of recognition or comprehension, and you may not remember anything about the experience.

If dental anxiety has kept you from obtaining the dental care you need, talk to your dentist about sedation dentistry. Call our office today to learn more.



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