Sleep dentistry is the ideal way to curb your anxiety about an upcoming visit to the dentist. Sedation involves the ingestion of a pill prior to your procedure. By the time you are in the chair and being prepped, you are already benefitting from the medication.
It takes about an hour for the medication to fully kick in, and once it does you will be in a state of extreme relaxation. You will likely still be able to understand instructions during the procedure and will be able to respond.
Gag Reflexes
For patients who have issues with sensitive gag reflexes, sleep dentistry can help soothe the situation, decreasing the likelihood of stimulating the reflex while the procedure is being performed.
Pain Tolerance
Pain becomes less of an issue while under the effects of the sedation. If a low tolerance has been an issue in the past and has kept you from getting dental work completed, rest assured that sleep dentistry helps in this area, as well.
Minimal Side Effects
Unlike being “put under” for a procedure, sedation has minimal side effects. You will likely be groggy once the procedure has been finished and it may take a while to wear off completely, leading to the need for rest and possibly sleep afterwards. For this reason it is important that there is someone who can assist you in getting home so you do not get behind the wheel of your car until your head is clear once again. The minimal side effects also make this an ideal solution to those who need to return for a follow up to their procedure or have further work done.
If you are interested in integrating sleep dentistry into your next procedure and are looking for a general dentist in Raleigh, NC, who is familiar with the practice, we can help. Contact Dr. Paresh C. Naran at (919) 263-3388 to make an appointment today.