December 28, 2017

Many people avoid seeing the dentist due to fear. While dental anxiety is fairly common among both children and adults, there are several ways to address it effectively. Dr. Lawrence Duffy and Dr. Kyle Duffy are sensitive to patients with anxiety, so they offer several options to make appointments relaxing and comfortable. Read on to learn about the sedation and dental anesthesia choices we provide at our office.

Sedation Dentistry

If you have mild to severe dental anxiety, sedation may be a good option for you. There are several treatment options that can help reduce discomfort and stress during examinations, cleanings, and minor procedures, including:

  • Local anesthetic, to numb the area of treatment
  • Oral sedation, to increase relaxation without affecting consciousness
  • Nitrous Oxide, to reduce stress without lingering drowsiness

IV Sedation

Patients who have moderate to severe dental anxiety or fear of needles may be ideal candidates for our IV sedation. This type of sedation can also be good if you have a sensitive gag reflex or prior issues with numbing anesthetic. Patients with special needs, behavioral concerns, or complicated oral health issues may find IV sedation helps with relaxation, pain management, and anxiety reduction. Our staff members are fully trained in conscious IV sedation, so you can feel safe and comfortable during your entire appointment.

General Anesthesia

If you require complicated dental treatments and struggle with extreme anxiety, general anesthesia may be the right choice for you. This option allows Dr. Duffy to perform all necessary treatments while you are deeply relaxed in a sleep-like state. Our office has a fully equipped surgical suite with state-of-the-art equipment and trained medical anesthesiologists.

Contact Our Office Today

If you have avoided dental treatment due to dental anxiety, we can help. Drs. Duffy and Duffy offer several sedation options along with dental anesthesia to keep you relaxed and comfortable while you receive care. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation to find out which treatment is right for you.



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